Turkey’s Top 10 Universities 2024

Turkey’s Top 10 Universities 2024. Turkey’s best universities 2024 list for the 2024-2025 academic year has been announced. In this article; Which are the top 10 universities in Turkey? Who is Turkey’s No. 1 university? Which is the best university of 2024 as well as the questions; Where does Koç University rank in 2024? We will learn the information about Turkey’s university ranking 2024 and turkey’s best universities.
Turkey’s Top 10 Universities 2024
With the change made in the Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS) in 2022, the threshold points were abolished. The number of students, which reached 2.5 million in previous years, exceeded 3 million this year and it is estimated that the number of students taking the exam will increase in the following years compared to other years.
As every year, this year, our students are first looking for how to get a better quality education in which university. For this reason, the list announced by “University Ranking by Academic Performance” (URAP) for the 2022-2023 academic year is eagerly awaited by students. Established in 2009 within the Middle East Technical University (ODTU) Informatics Institute, URAP develops scientific methods and studies to evaluate the academic achievements of higher education institutions and announces these data to the public every year.
In the list published by URAP, it is possible to find the rankings of all universities in different categories. In the list, it is possible to view Turkey’s best public universities, Foundation/Private universities, universities with or without a medical faculty, the years of establishment of the universities and the number of students the university has.
As a result of the research conducted by the University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) Research Laboratory within the METU Informatics Institute, we have prepared the best university rankings for 2022-2023 for you.
Turkey’s Best University Rankings
Below you can see the table of Turkey’s best universities ranking according to the published article score, scientific document score, PhD score, total score of the number of faculty members/students.
Turkey Ranking | University Names | Total |
1. | Koç University | 1.097 |
2. | Hacettepe University | 1.083 |
3. | Middle East Technical University – METU | 1.069 |
4. | İstanbul University | 1.019 |
5. | Istanbul Technical University – ITU | 1.013 |
6. | Ankara University | 1.012 |
7. | Sabancı University | 987,9 |
8. | Gazi University | 978,1 |
9. | Ege University | 966,9 |
10. | İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University | 944,9 |
11. | İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa – İÜC | 912,3 |
12. | Gebze Technical University | 909,5 |
13. | Yıldız Technical University | 892,0 |
14. | Boğaziçi University | 885,1 |
15. | Marmara University | 884,7 |
16. | Dokuz Eylül University- DEÜ | 880,4 |
17. | Erciyes University | 878,3 |
18. | Atatürk University- ATAUNİ | 875,2 |
19. | Izmir Institute of Technology – IYTE | 856,3 |
20. | Fırat University | 851,7 |
21. | Karadeniz Technical University – KTÜ | 850,2 |
22. | Selçuk University | 846,5 |
23. | Çukurova University | 833,8 |
24. | Akdeniz University | 823,4 |
25. | Bezm-i Alem Vakıf University | 806,6 |
26. | On dokuz Mayıs University – OMÜ | 803,9 |
27. | Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydılar University | 797,0 |
28. | Sakarya University | 788,8 |
28. | Bursa Uludağ University | 796,0 |
29. | Eskişehir Osmangazi University – ESOGÜ | 788,0 |
30. | İnönü University | 770,1 |
31. | Çankaya University | 768,8 |
32. | Kocaeli University | 763,1 |
33. | Süleyman Demirel University | 762,0 |
34. | Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University – AYBÜ | 755,4 |
35. | İzmir Katip Çelebi University – İKÇÜ | 749,9 |
36. | İstanbul Medeniyet University – İMÜ | 746,0 |
37. | University of Health Sciences | 742,0 |
38. | Anadolu University | 734,1 |
39. | Van Yüzüncü yıl University | 728,2 |
40. | – | – |
41. | Gaziantep University | 725,1 |
42. | Mersin University | 718,4 |
43. | Abdullah Gül University | 716,7 |
44. | Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University | 715,5 |
45. | İstanbul Medipol University | 712,8 |
46. | Tobb University of Economics and Technology – TOBB ETU | 707,8 |
47. | Pamukkale University | 699,8 |
48. | Yeditepe University | 693,1 |
49. | Manisa Celal Bayar University | 684,1 |
50. | Sivas Cumhuriyet University | 683,5 |
51. | Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University | 680,7 |
52. | Necmettin Erbakan University | 678,3 |
53. | Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University – MSKÜ | 676,4 |
54. | Adnan Menderes University – ADÜ | 670,6 |
55. | Başkent University | 668,2 |
56. | Harran University | 660,3 |
57. | Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University – NOHU | 659,2 |
58. | Özyeğin University | 654,5 |
59. | Bingöl University | 653,9 |
60. | Çanakkale University – ÇOMÜ | 651,0 |
61. | Atılım University | 649,8 |
62. | Bahçeşehir University | 639,9 |
63. | Düzce University | 639,0 |
64. | Karabük University | 637,0 |
65. | Kırıkkale University | 632,2 |
66. | Eskişehir Technical University -ETÜ | 631,9 |
67. | Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University – KSÜ | 631,5 |
68. | Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University | 623,4 |
69. | Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science And Technology University – ATU | 619,8 |
70. | Konya Technical University | 616,2 |
71. | Trakya University | 615,2 |
72. | Ordu University | 614,8 |
73. | Afyon Kocatepe University- AKÜ | 614,7 |
74. | Bursa Teknik University | 607,5 |
75. | Kadir Has University | 606,7 |
76. | Hitit University | 606,0 |
77. | Aksaray University | 602,1 |
78. | Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey University- KMÜ | 601,5 |
79. | Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University | 600,2 |
80. | Dicle University | 595,3 |
81. | İskenderun Teknik University | 589,1 |
82. | Hatay Mustafa Kemal University | 587,3 |
83. | Adıyaman University | 586,9 |
84. | Bartın University | 586,8 |
85. | Hasan Kalyoncu University | 585,9 |
86. | Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University- BEUN | 582,8 |
87. | Erzurum Teknik University | 578,9 |
88. | Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University | 574,5 |
89. | Kastamonu University | 568,5 |
90. | Yozgat Bozok University | 564,1 |
91. | Balıkesir University | 563,7 |
92. | Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University | 559,9 |
93. | Izmir University of Economics – IUE | 559,0 |
94. | Yaşar University | 556,5 |
95. | Giresun University | 556,2 |
96. | Uşak University | 556,1 |
97. | Çankırı Karatekin University | 554,5 |
98. | Munzur University | 544,8 |
99. | İstanbul Bilgi University | 543,9 |
100. | Siirt University | 538,3 |
101. | Galatasaray University – GSÜ | 537,6 |
102. | Kırşehir Ahi Evran University | 536,8 |
103. | İstinye University | 532,2 |
104. | Sinop University | 525,5 |
105. | Biruni University | 525,0 |
106. | Kafkas University | 524,3 |
107. | Kütahya Dumlupınar University | 522,9 |
108. | Isparta University of Applied Sciences | 518,2 |
109. | Iğdır University | 516,7 |
110. | Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University- NEVÜ | 513,11 |
111. | Yalova University | 511,20 |
112. | Altınbaş University | 509,8 |
113. | İstanbul Arel University | 509,4 |
114. | Konya Gıda Ve Tarım University | 509,2 |
115. | Bayburt University | 509,2 |
116. | Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University | 506,4 |
117. | Osmaniye Korkut Ata University | 504,6 |
118. | Demiroğlu Bilim University | 478,5 |
119. | Üsküdar University | 477,7 |
120. | Gümüşhane University | 475,1 |
121. | Artvin Çoruh University | 474,1 |
122. | Piri Reis University | 468,2 |
123. | Ardahan University | 465,5 |
124. | TED University | 463,4 |
125. | Antalya Bilim University | 459,4 |
126. | Muş Alparslan University | 450,0 |
127. | İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University | 448,3 |
128. | Amasya University | 447,2 |
129. | Türk Hava Kurumu University | 446,7 |
130. | İstanbul Okan University | 444,2 |
131. | Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University | 438,7 |
132. | Bitlis Eren University | 437,9 |
133. | İstanbul Gelişim University | 432,9 |
134. | İstanbul Aydın University | 432,4 |
135. | Sakarya University of Applied Sciences – SUBU | 431,21 |
136. | Tarsus University | 421,5 |
137. | Kilis 7 Aralık University | 419,5 |
138. | Batman University | 418,3 |
139. | Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University – MSGSU | 416,6 |
140. | Işık University | 413,7 |
141. | Çağ University | 405,7 |
142. | İstanbul Kültür University | 400,2 |
143. | Maltepe University | 399,8 |
144. | Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University – ALKÜ | 398,3 |
145. | İbn-i Haldun University | 392,5 |
146. | Türk -Alman University | 392,0 |
147. | Ufuk University | 390,7 |
148. | İstanbul Ticaret University | 385,5 |
149. | Mef University | 384,8 |
150. | Kırklareli University | 376,2 |
151. | Doğuş University – DOÜ | 375,9 |
152. | Malatya Turgut Özal University | 373,8 |
153. | Kutahya University of Health Sciences | 373,3 |
154. | Yüksek İhtisas University | 362,9 |
155. | Hakkâri University | 357,7 |
156. | İstanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University | 354,8 |
157. | KTO Karatay University | 349,0 |
158. | Şırnak University | 340,4 |
159. | Bandırma On yedi Eylül University – BANÜ | 339,1 |
160. | Ankara Sosyal Bilimler University | 336,6 |
161. | Beykent University | 335,4 |
162. | Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University | 330,4 |
163. | Afyonkarahisar Sağlık Bilimleri University | 325,2 |
164. | Sanko University | 323,1 |
165. | Lokman Hekim University | 320,6 |
166. | İstanbul Gedik University | 309,9 |
167. | İzmir Demokrasi University | 302,5 |
168. | Mardin Artukulu University | 301,7 |
169. | Nişantaşı University | 292,8 |
170. | Fatih Sultan Mehmet University | 278,0 |
171. | Trabzon University | 275,0 |
172. | Haliç University | 253,5 |
173. | Nuh Naci Yazgan University | 228,2 |
174. | Avrasya University | 226,5 |
175. | Toros University | 216,1 |
176. | İstanbul Rumeli University | 180,5 |
177. | İstanbul Esenyurt University | 164,7 |
178. | İstanbul Kent University | 159,2 |
179. | Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University | 141,3 |
180. | Samsun University | 123,4 |
181. | Antalya Akev University | 110,76 |
182. | İstanbul 29 Mayıs University | 110,72 |
183. | Beykoz University | 104,5 |
Koç University, which is considered the best university in Turkey, ranks first in the table, while Hacettepe University, Yıldız Technical University, Sabancı University, Boğaziçi University, Marmara University, Istanbul University, Middle East Technical University (ODTU), Istanbul Technical University (ITU), and Ankara University are ranked third and third respectively.
World Ranking of Universities in Turkey
Turkey’s best universities are on the rise in terms of world rankings. Times Higher Education (THE), an international higher education rating agency headquartered in the UK, announced the 2023 university world rankings.
There are 80 Turkish public and foundation universities on this list. While only Çankaya University was in the top 500 in the past years, this year 3 of our universities entered the top 500.
Our universities in the world rankings are ;
– Çankaya University (401-500)
– Koç University (401-500)
– Sabancı University (401-500)
– ODTU (501-510)
– Bilkent University (801-1000)
– Istanbul Technical University (601-800)
– Bogazici University (801-1000)
– Hacettepe and Istanbul Universities (601-800)
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👉 Best Universities in Turkey 2024
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