What is Eyelid Twitching: Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

What is eyelid twitching: causes, symptoms and remedies. In this article; What is eyelid twitching? eye twitching spiritual meaning, how to stop eye twitching, What is trembling of the lower eyelid? how to stop eye twitching? Why is my eyelid blinking or fluttering? Is eyelid twitching normal? Are eye tremors bad? Why does my upper eyelid vibrate? What causes eye trembling? When should I be worried about eye twitching? We will learn the answers to their questions and all the curious things about eye twitching.
What is Eyelid Twitching?
You are tired, stressed, you can’t take it anymore and it shows. Not by the dark circles under your eyes, not even by the little wrinkle that seems to have appeared this morning, but by your trembling eyelids.
How many times has it happened to you, at an interview, at an interesting meeting, to think: “Not now, don’t tremble now!”. But that’s just the way it is, the more tired and stressed you are, the higher the chances that you will get myokymia, because that is the medical term for eyelid tremor.
Eyelid twitching, discomfort aside, is not dangerous to your health even though it is difficult to treat and diagnose with an eye examination. They are considered idiopathic discomfort, a term that indicates precisely the unknown origin of the disorder, and its transitory nature. Of course, even about transience you have to understand, because they can last for months.
Eyelid Twitching
A trembling eyelid is a rather common disorder. In medicine, it is a condition known as myokymia or eyelid myoclonia. These are involuntary muscle contractions that originate from the nervous system due to neuronal ‘over-stimulation’ of the eye muscles involved in closing the eyes and blinking.
Usually the lower eyelid is involved but it may happen that the contraction affects both eyes. In some cases, it presents as a nervous tic, also associated with involuntary facial movements. It may be caused by a stimulus or appear spontaneously, but usually resolves itself within a few days or may last a few months.
The causes of eyelid tremor are diverse: from stress to too much caffeine, from dry eyes to tiredness.Most of the time, however, it is a benign condition, i.e. it is not serious and usually does not imply a medical problem or disease. Treatment for this disorder is not always easy to identify unless the underlying cause is traced.
The most severe forms, however, are of neurological origin and are blepharospasm and haemifacial spasm, which however have somewhat different characteristics. They are rather rare conditions, but only the ophthalmologist will be able to make a diagnosis during the eye examination.
Eyelid trembling: what are the symptoms?
Eyelid tremor is manifested by a series of rapid movements involving one or more eye muscles. In other words, contraction alternating with relaxation occurs in the eyes. It usually lasts for a short time, although in some cases it may persist for a few days or weeks.
It is a rapid, intermittent contraction that may involve one eye only or both, even alternately. Tearing and redness of the eye may be associated.
But let’s see what the main symptoms of eyelid twitching are:
- Mild spasms, which can be described as a ‘pulsating eye’ or a ‘vibrating, trembling or dancing eyelid’ sensation.
- Fatigued or blurred vision.
- Tearing.
- Dry eyes.
- Photophobia.
- Foreign body sensation in the eye.
- Bulbar tension and pain.
- Reddening of the eyes.
Eyelid trembling: causes
Let’s take a look at the most common causes of eyelid tremor or myocyma.
When under stress, the body reacts in different ways and eye tremor is one of them, especially if there are vision problems or excessive eye fatigue. Acting on the cause of the stress or tension will certainly help to reduce or eliminate the tremor, as well as improve both the emotional and physical state.
Eye fatigue
The causes of fatigued eyes can be various: reading efforts because one may need glasses or needs to change the correction of one’s lenses. But fatigue from computers, tablets and smartphones is also a very common cause of eye strain today.
Therefore, avoiding spending too much time in front of a screen and taking breaks every 10 minutes, resting your eyesight, are useful strategies to alleviate tremor.
Lack of sleep can also activate the eyelid tremor mechanism. In fact, physical tiredness or lack of sleep, for whatever reason, can also affect eye health. In such cases, it is useful to try to release muscle tension and relax with a temple massage or simple movements from the nose to the end of the eye. Massage improves blood circulation and strengthens the eye muscles.
Caffeine and alcohol
Too much caffeine or alcohol, even nicotine, can contribute to triggering eyelid contractions. Therefore, it is important to reduce caffeine intake (coffee, tea, cola-based fizzy drinks), smoke less and drink less alcohol, which can over-excite the nervous system triggering eyelid contractions.
Dry eyes and eyelid twitching
Dry eyes are a very common complaint, especially in those who use computers a lot, those who take certain types of medication (antihistamines, antidepressants, etc.) or those who wear contact lenses. It is therefore a good idea to consult an ophthalmologist to assess whether ‘dry eye’ is present, as there are specific treatments that can help.
Poor tearing is a very common problem that affects many people, especially in old age or menopause or if one suffers from certain eye diseases.
Nutritional imbalances
Some studies indicate that the lack of certain nutrients, such as magnesium and potassium, can trigger myokymia. In these cases, it may be sufficient to recover with a more balanced diet or to resort to supplements, but only if prescribed by a doctor, who will also indicate the correct dosage.
However, even eating a few almonds a day can provide the right amount of magnesium, just as a banana can provide the right amount of potassium. Fruits and vegetables are, however, excellent sources of minerals useful for health.
People with eye allergies may experience excessive tearing, swelling and itching of the eyes. When the eyes are rubbed because they itch, histamine is released into the conjunctiva, which increases tearing. According to some studies, histamine itself can cause spasms of the eyelids.
To solve the problem, the ophthalmologist may recommend the use of antihistamines, in the form of eye drops or tablets, to limit the eyelid twitching, although antihistamines themselves can cause dry eyes.
Other causes
Other causes of eyelid trembling include eye diseases such as, for example, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, glaucoma, corneal abrasions, etc. It can also be a symptom of more serious diseases such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, viral encephalitis, etc., or due to exposure to toxic substances or heavy metals. Fortunately, however, these are rather rare cases.
Finally, tremor can be an unwanted reaction to certain classes of drugs such as antihistamines, antidepressants and decongestants.
Shaking eyelids: when myokymia affects children
An extra eye (it has to be said) and special attention should be paid when myokymia affects school-age children or children who already wear glasses.
A type of spasm characterised by very fast and repeated eyelid movements, affecting both eyes, can be a symptom of a visual problem. In this case, it becomes necessary to have the children undergo an eye examination to determine whether they should wear, or change, glasses.
Similarly, it is important to pay close attention if the spasm proves to be more extensive and involves other facial muscles. It could in fact be blepharospasm or haemifacial spasm, symptoms that indicate a possible neurological disorder and that should not be underestimated.
Natural cures and remedies
A trembling eyelid is usually a temporary phenomenon, not an illness, and it is rare for spasms to require emergency treatment.
However, it is always important to consult your doctor and undergo an eye examination.
Generally, no drug therapy is required in the absence of a specific disease, as it is a disorder that resolves spontaneously most of the time.
If, on the other hand, it is a symptom triggered by a pre-existing disease, even if there is no specific treatment, drugs may be prescribed to help alleviate the tremor such as anti-convulsants, muscle relaxants or anti-epileptics.
Remember, however, that trembling eyelids can often be cured by simply changing one’s lifestyle and resorting to natural remedies.
One of these is certainly hydration: drinking at least 2 litres of water a day can ward off dry eyes by calming tremors. The doctor may prescribe artificial tears to reduce dryness.
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