
Cambridge Üniversitesi İngilizce Kelimeler Listesi PDF (A1, A2, B1)

Cambridge Üniversitesi İngilizce Kelimeler Listesi PDF (A1, A2, B1). Cambridge Üniversite A1, A2 ve B1 seviyesinde İngilizcede en çok kullanılan kelimeler listesini paylaştı. İngilizce sınavlarına hazırlanan veya İngilizce öğrenen arkadaşlarımıza kaynak olabilmesi için bizde Cambridge Üniversitesi İngilizce Kelimeler Listesi PDF dosyasını paylaştık.

Cambridge Üniversitesi İngilizce Kelime Listesi PDF

Cambridge Üniversitesi tarafından hazırlanan A1, A2 ve B1 seviyesinden mutlaka bilinmesi gereken kelimeler listeni paylaştı. İngilizce dil seviyesi temel, orta ve ileri seviye olarak 3 grupta sınıflandırılır. A1 temel seviyedir ve bu sevide kelime, gramer bilgisi ve temel cümle yapıları öğrenilir. A2 seviyesinde günlük konuşma dilinde bilinmesi gereken, kendini tanıtma, Aileyi tanıtma, iş ve hobiler gibi etkinlikler bu seviyede öğrenilir. B1 seviyesinde ise iş, okul ve özel hayatta sürekli karşılaşılan iletişim becerileri öğrenilir. Cambridge kelime listesinde A1, A2 ve B1 seviyesinde en çok kullanılan kelimelere ulaşabilirsiniz.

A1 İngilizce Kelimeler Listesi

Cambridge Üniversitesi tarafından A1 seviye bilinmesi gereken kelimeler aşağıdaki gibidir.

Grammatical key: Gramer anahtarı
adj adjective: sıfat
adv adverb: zarf
excl exclamation: ünlem
n noun: isim
poss possessive:
prep preposition:
pron pronoun: zamir
v verb: fiil


a det
about prep
add v
afternoon n
again adv
Alex n
Alice n
alien n
alphabet n
an det
and conj
angry adj
animal n
Ann/Anna n
answer n + v
apartment(UK flat) n
apple n
arm n
armchair n
ask v
at prep of place


baby n
badminton n
bag n
ball n
balloon n
banana n
baseball n
baseball cap n
basketball n
bat (as sports equipment)
bath n
bathroom n
be v
beach n
bean n
bear n
beautiful adj .
bed n
bedroom n
bee n
behind prep
Ben n
between prep
big adj
bike n
Bill n
bird n
birthday n
black adj
blue adj
board n
board game n
boat n
body n
book n
bookcase n
bookshop n
boots n
bounce v
box n
boy n
bread n
breakfast n
brother n
brown adj
burger n
bus n
but conj
bye excl


cake n
camera n
can v
candy (UK sweet(s)) n
car n
carrot n
cat n
catch (e.g. a ball) v
chair n
chicken n
child/children n
chips (US fries) n
chocolate n
choose v
clap v
class n
classmate n
classroom n
clean adj + v
clock n
close v
closed adj
clothes n
coconut n
colour (US color) n + v
come v
complete v
computer n
cool adj + excl
correct adj
count v
cousin n
cow n
crayon n
crocodile n
cross n + v
cupboard n


dad n
Dan n
day n
desk n
dining room n
dinner n
dirty adj
do v
dog n
doll n
donkey n
don’t worry excl
door n
double adj
draw v
drawing n
dress n
drink n + v
drive v
duck n


dad n
Dan n
day n
desk n
dining room n
dinner n
dirty adj
do v
dog n
doll n
donkey n
don’t worry excl
door n
double adj
draw v
drawing n
dress n
drink n + v
drive v
duck n

A1 Seviye Kelime Listesinin Devamı İçin Tıklayınız (A-Z)

A2 İngilizce Kelimeler Listesi

Cambridge Üniversitesi tarafından A2 seviye bilinmesi gereken kelimeler aşağıdaki gibidir.

a.m. (for time)
across prep
act v
actor n
actually adv
adventure n
after adv + conj
ago adv
agree v
air n
airport n
alone adj
already adv
also adv
amazing adj + excl
ambulance n
anyone pron
anything pron
anywhere adv
appear v
April n
arrive v
art n
artist n
as adv
as … as adv
astronaut n
at the moment adv
August n
autumn (US fall) n
away adv


backpack (UK rucksack) n
bandage n
bank n
beetle n
before adv + conj
begin v
believe v
belt n
Betty n
bicycle n
bin n
biscuit (US cookie) n
bit n
bored adj
borrow v
bracelet n
break v
bridge n
broken adj
brush n + v
burn v
business n
businessman/woman n
butter n
butterfly n
by myself adv
by yourself adv


calendar n
camel n
camp v
card n
cartoon n
castle n
cave n
century n
cereal n
channel n
chat v
cheap adj
chemist(’s) n
chess n
chopsticks n
club n
collect v
college n
comb n + v
competition n
concert n
conversation n
cooker n
cookie (UK biscuit) n
corner n
costume n
could (for possibility) v
creature n
crown n
cushion n
cut v
cycle v


dark adj
date (as in time) n
David n
dear (as in Dear Harry) adj
December n
decide v
deep adj
delicious adj
desert n
design n + v
designer n
diary n
dictionary n
dinosaur n
disappear v
drum n
during prep

➡ A2 Seviye Kelime Listesinin Devamı İçin Tıklayınız (A-Z)

B1 İngilizce Kelimeler Listesi

Cambridge Üniversitesi tarafından B1 seviye bilinmesi gereken kelimeler aşağıdaki gibidir.


ambition (n)
ambulance (n)
among (amongst) (prep)
amount (n)
amusing (adj)
an (det)
ancient (adj)
and (conj)
angry (adj)
animal (n)
ankle (n)
anniversary (n)
announce (v)
announcement (n)
annoy (v)
annual (adj)
another (det & pron)
answer (n & v)
answerphone (n)
ant (n)
antique (adj & n)
anxious (adj)
any (det & pron)
anybody (pron)
anymore (adv)
anyone (pron)
anything (pron)
anyway (adv)
anywhere (adv)
apart (adv)
apart from (adv)
apartment (n)
apartment building (n)
apologise (v)
apology (n)
app (n)
appear (v)
appearance (n)
apple (n)
application (n)
apply (v)
appointment (n)
approach (v)
approve (v)
approximately (adv)
architect (n)
architecture (n)
area (n)
argue (v)
argument (n)
arm (n)
armchair (n)
army (n)
around (adv & prep)


baby (n)
babysit (v)
babysitter (n)
back (adv, adj & n)
background (n)
background (experience) (n)
backpack (n)
backpacker (n)
backpacking (n)
backwards (adv)
bad (adj)
badly (adv)
badminton (n)
bag (n)
baggage (n)
bake (v)
baker (n)
balcony (n)
bald (adj)
ball (n)
ballet (n)
balloon (n)
banana (n)
band (n)
bandage (n)
bank (n)
bank account (n)
banking (n)
bar (n)
barbecue (n & v)
barber (n)
baseball (n)
base on (phr v)
basic (adj)
basin (n)
basket (n)
basketball (n)
bat (n)
bath (n & v)
bathing suit (n)
bathroom (n)
bathtub (n)
battery (n)
battle (n)
bay (n)
be (av & v)
beach (n)
bean (n)
bear (n)
beard (n)
beat (v)
beautiful (adj)
beauty (n)
because (conj)
because of (prep phr)
become (v)
bed (n)


chatroom (n)
chat show (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: talk show)
cheap (adj)
cheat (v)
check (n & v)
check in (phr v)
check-in (n)
check out (phr v)
of his stay.
checkout (n)
cheek (n)
cheerful (adj)
cheers! (exclam)
cheese (n)
chef (n)
chemist (n)
chemistry (n)
cheque (n)
chess (n)
chest of drawers (n)
chicken (n)
child (n)
childhood (n)
chilli (n)
chin (n)
chip (n)
chocolate (n)
choice (n)
choose (v)
cinema (n)
circle (n)
circus (n)
city (n)
clap (v)
class (n)
classical (adj)
classmate (n)
classroom (n)
clean (adj & v)
cleaner (n)
clear (adj & v)
clearly (adv)
clever (adj)
click (n & v)
cliff (n)
climate (n)
climb (v)
climbing (n)
clinic (n)
clock (n)


dad (n)
daily (adj & adv)
damage (n & v)
damaged (adj)
dance (n & v)
dancer (n)
dancing (n)
danger (n)
dangerous (adj)
dark (adj & n)
data (n)
date (n & v)
daughter (n)
day (n)
dead (adj)
deaf (adj)
deal (v)
deal with (sth/sb) (phr v)
dear (adj & exclam)
death (n)
decide (v)
decision (n)
declare (v)
decorate (v)
decrease (n & v)
deep (adj & adv)
defeat (n & v)
defence (n)
defend (v)
definitely (adv)
degree (n)
delay (n & v)
delete (v)
delicious (adj)
delighted (adj)
deliver (v)
delivery (n)
demand (n & v)
dentist (n)
depart (v)
department (n)
department store (n)
departure (n)
depend (on/upon) (v & phr v)

B1 Seviye Kelime Listesinin Devamı İçin Tıklayınız (A-Z)

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